Interview with Cuber : Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs dengan koleksi cubenya

Feliks Zemdegs adalah World Record holder untuk  3×3 average dengan 9,21 dan  4×4 average dengan 42,01. Saat mendapatkan WR di Melbourne open 2010 untuk 4×4 average, pada salah satu solving sempat satu center cube 4×4 pop-out. Tapi dia tetap mendapat WR untuk 4×4 average. 9,21 untuk 3×3 average merupakan sub 10 pertama average di Official Competition. Bocah Australia berusia 10 tahun ini terkenal dengan kecepatan tangannya. Hanya ada 2 NR Australia yang tidak dipegang oleh Feliks, 3×3 BLD dan Rubiks Magic. Event lainnya dipegang oleh Feliks Zemdegs semua!!! Dan satu lagi, Average of 5 terbaik dia adalah 7,83!!! WOW!!!

1.When did you start playing Rubik?

I started cubing in April 2008 after watching a video on Youtube.
2. Tell me about your cubing progress.

Got to sub 20 in 4 months, and then sub 15 in 9 months. I got a sub 10 average in about June 2009.

3. What method do you use?

Fridrich method sometimes X cross. Colour neutral
4. Your occupation now?

5. What are the event that you play?

All cubes, except master magic, and 5×5 bld >_>
6. What is your favorite event, why?

3×3, it’s the original, and my favourite.
7. What do you think about speedcubing in Indonesia?

I think it’s really awesome, you have developed and have sooo many cubers. Also CHUCK.
8. What brands do you Cube?

Type Alpha-V for 3×3.
LL 2×2
Mini QJ 4×4
V cubes 5-7
9. what is your biggest cubing accomplishment?

9.21 World record average was definitely my biggest achievement, to be the first sub 10 average in competition.

10. You are first person in the world who cangot average sub 10, what do you feel about this..

I feel great to have done it in a competition, with so much pressure on me.

11. You are WR holder for 3×3 and 4×4 average. Do you have a secret practice to increase your speed?

No secret, just practice 😉
12. When you solving 4×4 at Melbourne Open 2010, your center is pop. And you still got WR average. What do you feel at the the moment?

I feel lucky to have no other pops xD. Also, the parity rate was low, only 2 OLL parities, and 2 PLL parites.
13. You had cubing for 2 years, and you are only two times in competition, why?

Well, there has only been one competition in my country, and the other competition was New Zealand, in 2009. We travelled by plane. I guess I just don’t have many competitions to go to :p
14. Next target in cubing?

I think i can do a sub 8 seconds average of 12, i have done it of 5 4 times. My next competition will be New Zealand Championships 2010
15. Would you come to Indonesia to play with us?

I hope so! I can’t go to Yogyakarta this year though :s Hopefully i can come to Jakarta Open in December or January?
16. What you hope for Indonesian cuber?

Happy cubing! Also it is amazing how many of you do Multibld and 4×4 bld.

WCA Profile Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs WR Average 3×3 9,21

Feliks Zemdegs WR Average 4×4 42,01

Pangkalpinang, 17 Mei 2010

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